20th C Antique Barber Bros Chair Co Tiger Oak Footstool ~ Grand Rapids Michigan
20th C Antique Barber Bros Chair Co Tiger Oak Footstool ~ Grand Rapids Michigan
Bay Colony Antiques is proud to offer for sale this fantastic early 20th century antique Tiger Oak footstool by Barber Bros Chair Company. Barber Bros chair company was founded in 1893 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is one of their earliest labels and we’d date the stool CA 1905 / 1910. Barber Brothers crafted a wide array of products and really don’t get their deserved credit because they designed and crafted some really great, cutting edge, mission furniture. For the craftsman purist this stool is in its original ammonia fumed surface and retains its original leather seat. Barber Bros & their major competitors, like any of the Stickley brothers, would offer their furniture in a few different finishes. The ammonia fumed oak is the most desirable and it was a very dangerous procedure for the craftsmen. The stool is signed “Barber Bros Chair Co Hastings, Michigan”. The footstool measures 12 1/2” wide x 12 1/2” deep x 12 1/2” tall.